[û]ѱ 'ױ ȭ', ׽ ǰ ޴!

  • + ã
  • 2025.03.07() 11:58
[û]ѱ 'ױ ȭ', ׽ ǰ ޴!
- Ķ Ƽÿ¿ '19 꺸ȣ ΰȸ' 翩
  • Է : 2024. 11.06() 17:14
嵶( ). =û
[û/CTN] = û(û õ) ׽ η ǥ(Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity) û ѱ ױ ȭ(Knowledge, beliefs and practices related to jang making in the Republic of Korea) 5 ׽ ȸ 򰡱ⱸ(Evaluation Body) ɻ, ' ǰ' ޾Ҵ.

׽ ȸ 򰡱ⱸ ̹ 58 ǥ û ɻϿ 츮 ѱ ױ ȭ 57ǿ ؼ '' ǰ߰, 1ǿ ؼ '' ǰߴ. ̹ ɻ ׽ ؼ ƴ.

ѱ ױ ȭ ̹ ' ǰ' ް Ǹ鼭 12 2Ϻ 12 7ϱ Ķ Ƽÿ¿ ֵǴ 19 꺸ȣ ΰȸ ĥ δ.

ѱ 22 η ϰ , ѱ ױ ȭ Ǹ 23 η ϰ ȴ.

, dz(Custom of Korean costume: traditional knowledge, skills and social practices in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) 縦 ǰ ޾Ҵ. Ƹ(2014), ġױ⡹(2015), (2018 / ϰ), ø项(2022) Ǿ , ̹ dz ȴٸ 5 η ϰ ȴ.
